Greetings Neighbors

I’m listening! As your District 9 RTM Representative I am accessible, base my positions on your input and strive to keep residents updated on important town matters.

My goal is for everyone in District 9 to be informed, participate and vote in upcoming elections. Whether it’s traffic and safety, Parker Harding, Long Lots School and community gardens or some other suggestion or concern, I want to hear it. Please get in touch with me.

Leaders that look at Westport’s challenges from multiple perspectives and listen to all constituencies early in the process are our best hope for maintaining this wonderful community. Nancy has the skills to communicate with stakeholders and defend her position in a clear, balanced and respectful way.
— Rick and Marjorie Rosencrans, Westport Journal 10/15/23
I would like to encourage all of you to cast a vote on Tuesday, Nov, 7, for incumbent RTM members Kristin Schneeman and Nancy Kail.

I know them both to be highly intelligent, thoughtful and fair-minded individuals who care deeply about Westport. I am honored to call them friends, and proud to have them representing our neighborhood.
— Lauren Soloff, Westport Journal 10/19/23
Finding Westport proudly endorses the following RTM Candidates to lead:

District 9
Kristin Schneeman
Nancy Kail
Rachel Halperin
Doug Enselin
— Finding Westport

Sustainable Westport Candidate Survey: Nancy Kail’s Answers

  • Extremely Important

    It’s not a choice anymore. We have to consider sustainability and Net Zero by 2050 goals in every aspect of our work in local government - in every town priority, financial allocation, decision and vote. Keeping Sustainable Westport's pillars front and center benefits all of us in town and is the most cost-effective and quality-of-life-effective way to maintain and improve Westport.

    I appreciate Sustainable Westport and similar organizations’ efforts and am always happy when they show up to educate, advocate and inspire ideas and action. Whether they attend RTM and other meetings on transportation, Reinventing the Riverfront or Long Lots School Building projects, or they are at the Farmers Market or Transfer Station or anywhere else, their involvement is important. Much of my work on the RTM is aligned with Sustainable Westport’s and I look forward to continuing to work alongside the organization.

  • If re-elected to the RTM in District 9, I will continue to support Sustainable Westport’s mission and goals by:

    - Co sponsoring ordinances such as the Leaf Blower and Traffic, Transit & Parking Committee ordinances (I co sponsored both during my first RTM term)

    - Ensuring budget and capital investment items include a sustainability lens on the Finance Committee

    - Advancing work on public transportation, traffic, parking, safe sidewalks and bike paths on the Transit Committee

    - Hosting Community Conversations on housing and other topics that incorporate sustainability matters

    - Advocating for D9’s many wonderful natural resources: the Saugatuck River and Baron’s South, Grace Salmon, Winslow and Riverside Parks, to name a few

    - Working with neighbors and the town to mitigate Dead Man’s Brook flooding

    - Collaborating with town bodies and departments, Sustainable Westport, Aspetuck Land Trust, Sound Waters and other organizations as well as D9 residents to understand sustainability ideas and concerns and determine solutions

    - Communicating sustainability related issues and projects via my District 9 Newsletter, which is distributed monthly to over 1,000 subscribers

    1. Community Outreach (Education/Events)

    2. Buildings (Energy efficient infrastructure, Electrification, Decarbonization, Healthy/High indoor air quality)

    3. Energy (Clean, Renewable Energy Sources)

    4. Transportation (Biking, Commuting, Etc.)

    5. Preserving Natural Resources

    6. Waste Management (Recycling, Reuse, Repair, Food Scraps, etc.)

Find out how well you know your district!

Click above to enter your address and view my profile!

Westport Library — District 9 Polling Place


11/7/23 Election Resources

Dear Voters,

If you value Westport's neighborhoods, schools, businesses, infrastructure, environment, safety, recreation, culture, finances, and town development, YOUR VOTE on November 7 is crucial.

On the RTM I've championed several key issues and seek re-election this November to continue working on your behalf .

I hope that everyone comes out in force on election day. Let’s lead the way in District 9 with the highest voter turnout in town!

Many thanks,


My daughter, Sarah, and our dog, Bubba 2021 election